May 2, 2007

Jabuka and Apple MacBook.

The name of the village Jabuka means Apple….
Morning bird longer jumps, says another Czech saying, not applying to us, as we slept enough after demanding journey and thanks to full moon. We walked through village in a group, trying to orientate and realise what is where around us. We met few friends of Dragan, and soon our event was agreed to happen on friday evening, in front of local culture house. In case of warm weather it will be pleasant evening with Macedonian community, living here since Tito`s invitation. Than Dragan led us to huge stone cross, in strange disposition slightly leaning to right side, this monument seemed to fall from heaven lately, or growing from the ground for centuries. Was it `The` place again?
Where were the early Christians meeting? Or was it more a sign of the territory, border between Osman Empire, and Austro-Hungarian empire?
Till late night all of us worked on materials from previous day, as the roads did not allow to work much. Main thing was to converting the photos and sounds for DADA programme, because Masimo is leaving tomorrow back to Italy, together with his skills to use this new interactive archive software , so we decided to use the metaphoric Jabuka=Apple locality of eaten apple to convert into Mac Laboratory in Apple orchard..

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