Day of the witches, before packing our things for journey from the Atyha village we decided for cutting favourite letter together with local kids, they had fun helping us to stick on our car their personal choice. It was letter G, reminding by its shape ram. We accumulated energy, information and local ferric water from this village, and after passing down the Tatos hill, we reached main road. The weather was changing, and our journey tracing hidden alphabet was interrupted by numerous stops . Runes in the space continued till reaching the Székelydálya village, where we finally found the longest writing on the wall of the church in Europe. We were surprised by speciality and richness of the information of local evangelic priest, living opposite the church. To trace out, find or even see and decode hidden meanings was difficult not only because of the low light ,glowing from one electric bulb, but also because the day was already changing to evening in this broken nave, and we were tired.
In ornaments above the altar is hidden many meanings, making use of similarity of outlines of plants and wild animals, or symbolic of growing plant into universe. Our logic was bound in the vegetable ornaments, whose historical meanings were already left behind.. The day of magical journey finished by arriving to high hill in Segesvar, where once the life of young Hungarian poet Petofi was ended.