April 30, 2007
Going to Szegesvar
Day of the witches, before packing our things for journey from the Atyha village we decided for cutting favourite letter together with local kids, they had fun helping us to stick on our car their personal choice. It was letter G, reminding by its shape ram. We accumulated energy, information and local ferric water from this village, and after passing down the Tatos hill, we reached main road. The weather was changing, and our journey tracing hidden alphabet was interrupted by numerous stops . Runes in the space continued till reaching the Székelydálya village, where we finally found the longest writing on the wall of the church in Europe. We were surprised by speciality and richness of the information of local evangelic priest, living opposite the church. To trace out, find or even see and decode hidden meanings was difficult not only because of the low light ,glowing from one electric bulb, but also because the day was already changing to evening in this broken nave, and we were tired.
In ornaments above the altar is hidden many meanings, making use of similarity of outlines of plants and wild animals, or symbolic of growing plant into universe. Our logic was bound in the vegetable ornaments, whose historical meanings were already left behind.. The day of magical journey finished by arriving to high hill in Segesvar, where once the life of young Hungarian poet Petofi was ended.
April 29, 2007
Sunday mass in the garden between house of the priest and reconstructed church, welcomed something around 30 people, to take part at open air mass, if it is not possible in the church.Singing and predictions of local priest reminded us minimalistic compositions.During the friendly talk with him, we got to know, that all names of villages in this arera are made out of one sentence of testament. Whole story is interesting from the point of view of our project of prophets- Father, who was going down the Firtos mountain, said to his sons ¨Here I am living`` …itt en lakom..Enlaka village… and few steps later he said to his older son``this is yours…e tied`` and village Eted bears these letters., later to his younger son announced`` this is your little piece …kis mond`` and village Kusmond apparently keeps it till now, when the father stopped for a while, the youngest son asked where he can live, ``today I speak to you…neked is solok ma`` -Szolokma village has this part.Later they were going to return home, and the father asked the youngest son if it is sufficient to him, and he replied `` give me more if you want …adj ha akarsz atyam, and Atyha village appeared. So the story is wide spread on hills around. We found very interesting inscriptions in runes style in church of Enlaka village, used even in the emblem on flag of settlement of ancient Sikula tribe, based here.The evening is going to be devoted to present our project in local pub, which serves best for the community meetings.We will show interactiveprograms and Agnes will sing songs from Transylvania.Perhaps we will be able to start also creative contact.
April 28, 2007
Targu Mures
In Targu Mures city, where we were sleeping, in family of our guide Agnes, we had to find out and solve last technical problems of our communication with the civilised world, and we started our journey to Transylvania mountains. We stopped at grandmother of Agnes, to take stoves with us, and we also asked mothesr of Agnes , which is her favourite letter. Landscape behind the windows started to be hilly soon after leaving the city. There is an underground salt lake, so salt was the product of the area since ancient times. Same taste might have the fine because of wrong parking of our car, which moved on and stopped thanks to near telephone pole, after everybody jumped out.
After few kilometers we turned off to stony road, which lead us up to mountins, where village Atyha is well hidden. Maybe it is lucky to keep old style of life, without consuming society soaking through. Wooden houses, sensitively placed in terrain, invite us inside by massive, richly decorated oak gates, or by typical blue colour, hiden in some cases by vine ofsprings. Our position close to the heaven becomes evident, when we look at local church, which has no roof because of reparation. A while after our arrival we spread inscription, made out of grass, and through this we started meeting activity with locals and their cows.Later , during evening friendship in pub the circle grows, some of them we will meet at tomorrows sunday mass…
Cows choice the letter "A" fo Atyha
Churches and cemetery
Morning orthodox mass, all in singing form became part of our morning hygienne, and helps us to tune into common feeling with locals. Brother Ovidio and father Cleope. At the breakfast together we discuss problems of body and soul, the holy Script and the content of word and letter. Father, who paradoxically is younger than us, is very tolkative, and I think we amuse him by our questions. In gestures oh his hands, and explanation of the blessings the cyrilic letter are still contained,
Jesus Christus is represented by IICX. Our thoughts concerning mutual emotional attitude among an icon and its meaningfull gesture s support each other, especially during watching giant fresco decorations of the church, refectory and both small chapells. We feel surrounded by iconography of latino-cyrilic writings and we are trying to decode stories painted on the walls. Both of our hosts individually answer our question about their decission for „their“ letter choose for the one, similar in shape to omega. Because it was strong impuls for beginning and ending, alpha and omega, contained also in the aureola of Jesus Christ. Symbol =signal,code=way,icons=story,idol=example, these are some possible views and relations in watching this environment, full of hidden meanings.
During our journey to Maramures we stoped in Sapante, village with local tradition of decorated crosses is confronting private Later we found ourselves in a discussion life iconogrphy with orthodox iconography of the church. Later we found ourselves in nearby pilgrimage area,
discussing the sense of giant oak wooden structure of the tower of the church, in the context of contemporary consuming society.During the lunch we became pilgrims , speaking at symposium about religion.
Later on, passing through villages of Maramures area we were excited by traditionally decorated oak wood gates, in combinations with blossoming apple and cherry trees, we smelled chassidic past of this „island“, place which even without any water context, protected the jewish minority for several centuries. Today maybe mental island of the community.
Orbis Pictus
Today we decided to visit local museum and school, where J.A. Comenius used to teach, and where he wrote the book Orbis Pictus Sensualis, . The exposition was rather sparse concerning his importance, but it represents basic attitudes to theme of letters, but also use of multimedia as didactic and communicative environment. Definitely inspiring and challenging visit!
We had to devote certain time to finalisation and uploading of our web pages, including the blog, which is still more simple tool to operate….surprisingly it was not easy to find internet connection in this city with university, finally there was one, in the local touristic youth cultural house, in the shape of frog, sitting on the spring, hiding several chaps, chatting…
Stanislav, as one of the brave, was the hero, who created our blog, so that we are able every day to let you know what is going on. Many thanks to him! We have tried to define together the categories for digital interactive data archive, which we are going to use as communication environment in communities.
Easy going passing through Romanian borders belonged to the pleasant experienes. City of Satu Mare stepped out of the night, but it was not feeling really open, Therefore we left the city in the light of lams and let ourselves draw into darkness of unknown, which ended by orthodox monastery, in the middle of the forest, still under the construction, originally decided to sleep in the cars, but suddenly invited to come inside by brother Ovidio, nearly waiting for our coming invited us inside. Unfinished building, of this new sacred place, lit by moon and neon light, welcomed our adventurous group with open heart.
April 25, 2007
this morning we spent by last necessary adaptations of both our cars, so that we feel fine inside, and on the road interconnected. We run our cars on vegetable oil, smothly, and wehad to tune our group for the journey so that we eliminate wasting time at planned stops. Also design of our second car needed some touches, and it became an event for introducing new ember of the group- Agnes, coming from Rumunia, who will be our guide through Romania, epecially Transylvania.
We started the journey together a bit late, - afternoon, but luckily left Budapest with its rush hours behind massive Danube riverflow. Passing Miskolc city we reached Szarospatak, pleaasant old city, where J.A Comenius, Czech so called „teacher of the nations“ spent 5 years of his life.
We supposed to find interconnection between his didactic method Orbis Pictus – vizualiation of the world, , and his orbis sensualis- experiencing the world, translated as „learn through game“, and our project, searching meanings hidden in the form of letters.
We go to Sarospatak without any previous contact, at the place, because we didn not find anybody avalable in local mueum. But we want to go, and stop, or realise our presentation. We parked just near the church,and met a man, infront of the garden, who has informed us sufficieently enough about local traditions and relations. By coincidence we appeared at the yard of evangelic youth house from where the rock music was tempting us to enter.
Our expectation to meet youngsters, disappeared immediately after entering the rehersal room with group called President, with old chaps, at the age of Rolling Sotnes played violently aloud , tossing one hit from pop music after another.Later on, we spoke about our project, and two members – singer Gabriel, and drummer Janczi stayed till late.The singer appeared to be former mayor of the Szarospatak (for 16 years) and with passing time we realised that he might be helpful in many things to us .They both decided for the letter in the shape of mushroom, which represents, just by chance letter S.
April 24, 2007
our journey to Nitra was surprisingly exciting, as we were driving through unbelieveable picturess landscape, and curly road slowly unveiled tiny chappels and calvaria stops together with morning bus stops, full of waiting schoolmates.
In Nitra, we were avaited unpassionately, at the University of Konstantin, the Philosopher, as none of the partners guessed what will be the development of the situation…we tried to present our plan for the journey through Balkan, together with certain ideas, so that the students of pedagogy and arts understood us and continued to develop their inventions, supporting the project.Our presentation was successful and opened new dimmension to us, how to orientate in similar situations, and to be able to formulate our goal.Students reacted openly and after short hesitation d ecided for two letters from glagolic, representing the mood in the collegium – the first one is U, =university, which is similar to blossoming K – Konstantin, and second was I , in shape of wine glass … Also we got to know, that the University is using form of glagolic letter of C as Cyril, for the annual prize awards. Our guide, Eva showed us the city,including the casttle, where used to stand fortress of Pribina,Rastislav, and Mojmir. We met with people from the monument preservation organisation, who explained to us historical facts and present polemic about the relation to the two prophets – Cyril and Method. Circle, turn of end into beginning were the themes appearing here councidentally cycling together with circular stone table with engraved letters of `proglas`, the codex of the slavs, or at the base of Corrgone, statue, where is the sphere,and other assotiations, , also the cycling echoes in the round shape of old rotunda.Only the bone of saint Cyril, in th e reliqia case draw our attention in, with the help of crosses in circles in chalky- bony white walls of the church. We were listening to story about nearby village `Pastovce` originally `Pastuh`
meaning Pastor, where Cyril was passing as first prophet of christian religion…..
We were heading to this plaace, but it was alredy getting dark, so we jumped across river Danube, the blue dusk, near Estergom cathedral, an stay overnight in Pilis mouintains, ancient land of Celts, Slavs and Huns, we are awaiting meeting with other part of our expedition soon…
April 23, 2007
Preparation and starting our journey, just one day after the anniversary of beginning of expedition by Zikmund and Hanzelka,/famous Czech travellers/ sixty years ago. We started our pilgrimage journey , tracing partly lost and partly remembered slavonic Glagolic script.Leaving Prague, the mother of the cities, was not meant in the messy and dusty connotation of the metropolis. All of us left freaking thoughts behind, and drawned into the landscape, which we gradually started to perceive as a territory of the great Moravian Empire,tousand years ago. City of Slavonice in its rennaisance beuty with few bored people around a pub accepted our car with expectation.We washed the car just after our arrival, so that we can add some letters from the glagolic or cyrilic alphabet, on each of our stops.There was not many people on the square, some did not stay long,even few members of the city hall were attracted by watching our projection on the screen of the car,concerning the concept of our expedition.We were sitting later, after the projection with few locals in half empty pub, speaking about word and sign.The slavonian people decided for the representing sign, or letter A from glagolic alphabet because they feel similarity with human body, the second letter reminds a building, , so we can consider this fact as a community living in harmonic environment, sometimes missing dynamic excitement, …we left our first stop - this harmonic city after short sleep in local cultural house from the communist era, surrounded by circus Pacific early in the morning to arrive to Nitra University in time…..